Welcome to Emily's Blog

This blog is to document our life and times with our little girl, Emily. She is getting so big that we have to document it now, while we can.
Emily is almost 6 months old. She has her 6 month doctor's check up on Thursday, but all signs point to a healthy, growing girl. She is getting close to sitting up, close to rolling over, and loves to smile, laugh, and "talk."
I am going back to work for the new school year so Emily is getting ready to start day care. She'll be going to day care on site at Greg's work so he'll be close by and able to check on her some days. Although I'm not thrilled that she'll be at day care, I do know that this is the best place for her. It's an amazing facility. She'll be one of 9 babies in her room and they have 3 caregivers with the babies. They take them outside and for walks and try to have developmentally appropriate activities for them. I know it'll be hard on both Emily and me. She's used to having me with her all day. She notices when I'm not around and when I'm nearby, but doing something else, she tries to get my attention. She will take a bottle, but it will be a change for her to get one several times each day. I'm sure she'll be used to it before long. She has 2 weeks to get adjusted before I officially start back, so we will do a lot of half days to ease her into it. The first day I will spend with her there, which is what the center wants you to do. They want to help the children get adjusted as quickly as possible.
Emily is jumping in her little jumper now. Anything that keeps her on her feet she loves! We've got a few errands to run with a couple little things we need to get for "school" for her.

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