6 Month Check Up and Stats

At her check up today, Emily weighed 16 pounds, 14 ounces which puts her in the 50-75th percentile. She is 26.5 inches long, though it took 3 measurements to get it, one time she was too long to be reasonable, one time too short, and then where they thought she should be at. She is still in the 75-90th percentile for height. Her head circumference was 17 1/8 inches, which is 75th percentile. She's stayed pretty steady with the percentages from the get-go. We'll see if it changes at all as she keeps growing.
Emily is on track developmentally. We are going to start solids in the next couple of weeks. It was important to me to nurse her exclusively through 6 months so now that we've hit that milestone, we'll bring on the solids. Emily seems ready, she likes to watch us eat. Her doctor also thinks that Emily may be an early walker and skip crawling altogether. Emily is very interested in standing. She loves it. She's been obsessed with standing since she was a month or 2 old and at her 4 month appointment, the doctor could barely get her to sit to check how steady she was, Emily wanted to stand and refused to bend her hips. This appointment she did the same thing, but did finally show her skills at sitting. She is very steady on her feet. I guess we actually need to childproof the house soon.
Emily did great with all of her shots. She calmed down very quickly after them and was in a reasonably good mood until 7 tonight when she just melted down. She's passed out now and I'm sure will have a good night's sleep. She's going to stay home and hang out with me tomorrow.
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