Early Fall Pictures

When we got home today, Emily and I ran into a neighbor that was by our house with her kids. She ended up taking Emily on a walk to her house where they were raking leaves while I changed and then came over to meet them. Emily and the neighbor and her kids loved it! Emily laughed and laughed at the girls jumping in the leaves. Then, she really enjoyed sitting in the grass and posing for some fall pictures! This is probably the first time that Emily has actually sat and felt grass. She kept grabbing a leaf and trying to stick it in her mouth and then I would take it away. She finally got smart and grabbed a handful of leaves. When I took those away, she figured out how to pull out some grass and hold a bunch of blades of grass. She's not a horse or a cow so she can't eat grass either. Fortunately, her plastic links did the trick for something to chew on. We don't have many leaves down in our yard yet, but some of our neighbors trees have started dropping. Our leaves seem to be among the last on the street to fall.
Emily has started wearing her cotton jacket with a hood and she looks adorable in it! The last 2 pictures were taken in the morning before leaving for day care. She wore that jacket the past 2 days and each day Emily's primary teacher commented about how cute it is. They took Emily and some other babies out for a walk in the strollers so they put it on then. They have several triplet strollers that they take the babies for walks in around the yard or the building. Today at school, Emily read a bunch of books with her teachers. They said that she really enjoyed feeling the fur in the Bear Hug book. Emily loves to touch everything so I'm sure she enjoyed reaching out and feeling everything. Today was also the first day that Emily had lunch at daycare. She's been having breakfast there (in addition to her bottles), but today we introduced lunch. Now she has fruit and oatmeal for breakfast and veggies for lunch. Then she had peas and banana for dinner at home. You can tell we live a pretty exciting life when Emily's meals are such a hot topic!
At 8:45 PM,
Sarah said…
She looks so cute sitting in the leaves!
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