Day Care Happenings

Here are a few recent pictures of Emily that were taken before Grandy and Poppy's visit.
Emily has been doing great at day care. Each day she gets a report on when she slept, ate, had her diaper changed as well as a little narrative on her day. Most days it is something like what she played with, what other kids were playing near her, and so on. Yesterday, her report said that they taped bubble wrap onto the floor and let the babies play on it to have a different sensory experience. They even gave Emily tummy time on it so she could really feel the bubbles. Of course, when I commented on how cute it was to her teacher, she laughed and said that Emily even put her cheek on it so she could really feel it. I asked if she also had her thumb in her mouth and of course she did! My daughter, when given the chance to do something neat, sticks her thumb in her mouth and puts her head down! Typical! She loves that thumb of hers!
Today, her report said that they took Emily outside and Emily started talking up a storm. Then they commented on Emily's large vocabulary and how she kept "saying" more when the teachers copied her and talked to her! Emily loves to talk and can go on and on. From what we've picked up from her teachers, she is one talkative girl! Her teacher also commented today on what a good, easy going baby Emily is. She only cries when she needs something and when she does, they stop what they're doing since it doesn't happen often. They said they can put her down and she'll play on her own, when they feed her, she eats. She is just a joy to have in the classroom. The only thing she doesn't do is sleep well there, but we're still working on that!
At 6:43 PM,
Unknown said…
Ok-so she is just BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love the one of her in the boppy! :)
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