9 Months Old
Here are Emily's Cleo pictures from when she turned 9 months last week. It was pretty late for her when we took the pictures, but she got pretty silly posing for the camera.
She had a relatively good check up with her pediatrician on Thursday. She weighed 19 pounds, 14 ounces and was in the 50-75 percentile. Her length was 28 inches, also 50-75 percentile. Her cheek that is so red in the pictures is actually infected. It had gotten worse over the last week so we would have been checking in with the doctor anyway. Emily is on antibiotics for that now. Emily can now start on some more food! We can try cheese, eggs, and yogurt. She can eat just about everything now except for peanuts, shellfish, ground beef and different things that would be a choking hazard. The only thing that Emily isn't doing yet that most other 9 month olds are is crawling. She doesn't have much of an interest. Of course, at 6 months, her doctor predicted that she would walk before she crawls and that seems like it might be the case. When she's on her tummy, she'll make a mild effort to get a toy and will spin in a little bit of a circle, but more often than not she puts her thumb in her mouth and head down. She loves to stand, though. She leans up against things and has great balance. She can reach and lift up both hands for a moment without falling over. Around 10 months she should be able to pull up. The doctor wants to see her again in 6 weeks to make sure that she is on track with her gross motor skills since she isn't crawling. We keep working on crawling with her, but are starting to try to show her how to pull up since that might be her next trick. If she isn't in 6 weeks then we'll go through an early intervention program to keep her on track. Her pediatrician tries to prevent problems from being on top of anything that has the chance of becoming problematic.
Our growing girl is doing great! I'm going to do a second post with today's adventures!
At 11:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Emily, you and Cleo are the same size. You are growing soooo big! You are doing so well eating your new foods.
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