We gave Emily a waffle for breakfast last weekend and she loved it! If waffles are one of her favorite breakfast foods, then she takes after Mommy on something! She is a very independent eater and is only letting us feed her a small amount of babyfood. I don't mind it, except it takes her so long to eat that if I can feed her some babyfood then at least I know that she's getting enough food in. Some days it looks like the whole meal is in her bib or her lap. Her favorite foods right now are deli turkey, cheese, sweet potatoes in dices, apple or pear dices, waffles, peas, little carrot pieces, and of course Cheerios! We are starting to try to feed her more of what we're eating if we eat at the same time that she does. And she loves having some water after she eats. Emily gets so excited when we fill her cup up with the water from the refrigerator dispenser. We have to watch her to make sure the water gets swallowed or dried up, she loves to make a little fountain with it and it soaks her clothes!
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Emily,
You certainly know how to have fun and challenge Mommy and Daddy. You look so big feeding yourself.
Soon you will have fun eaing your first birthday cake.
Grandma and Grandpa
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