Playtime and Pigtails
Here are some pictures of Emily playing that were taken several weeks ago. She loves those blocks that she is playing with. She'll scoot on her bottom all over the living room to get to them. And that mat that she is playing on, she scoots to the edge all of the time to start taking it apart. We call her Dr. Destructo because as soon as we put it back, she scoots to the edge again to try to pull it apart. She does play with her toys most of the time on there, but if she decides that she is taking it apart, there is generally no stopping her. I think she's going to have a bit of a stubborn streak!!!
She is getting so good at standing, but still won't pull herself up. She is getting better at taking steps when holding our hands or walking around the coffee table in the living room. At daycare they let her hold on to a walker/push toy and try to walk with it. We do the same at home with her, but generally don't have time during the week. When I got there on Wednesday, she was very slowly taking little baby steps and the teachers would hold on to the walker so that it didn't go out from in front of her. It took Emily a few minutes, but she made it across the room and was so happy!
At 11:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Emily seems to enjoy playtime. If she is not smiling, she seems to be figuring out some puzzle. She has such a cute curious look.
Watch parents---she is going to challenge you.
Her nick name 'Dr. Destructo' is soo cute.
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