Cleaning and Coloring
On Saturday morning Greg went to go play basketball so Emily and I used the time to take care of some chores around the house. I usually clean the floors while she is napping or playing in another area with Daddy, but I decided that she and I would manage. She decided that she wanted to help, so here are a couple of pictures of Emily helping me clean. I guess if this becomes a regular thing I'll have to shorten the Swiffer pole so that it is more her size.

Last night we went to dinner at a little hot dog/burger place near us. They have colored pencils for the kids to use. We haven't been there for awhile and the last time Emily wasn't overly interested in the colored pencils. Yesterday she loved them. They entertained her much longer than the crayons at other restaurants usually do. So when Greg went to the grocery store today, he picked up a pack for home. We let Emily color while dinner was cooking and she colored for awhile. Here are a couple of pictures of her hard at work.

Last night we went to dinner at a little hot dog/burger place near us. They have colored pencils for the kids to use. We haven't been there for awhile and the last time Emily wasn't overly interested in the colored pencils. Yesterday she loved them. They entertained her much longer than the crayons at other restaurants usually do. So when Greg went to the grocery store today, he picked up a pack for home. We let Emily color while dinner was cooking and she colored for awhile. Here are a couple of pictures of her hard at work.
At 11:02 PM,
Jill said…
Nathan and I need some artwork for our fridge! Good idea to get Emily cleaning at a young age.
At 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Emily, you can "swiffer" at our house any time you come for a visit. Looks like you're coloring pretty pictures. See you Wednesday.
At 9:07 PM,
Larissa said…
Jonah loves to swiffer also. SO great to have kiddos that like to help. I will have to try the colored pencil idea because the crayons haven't been too big of a hit yet.
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