Happy 2009!
I'll finish getting the rest of Christmas and other holiday pictures up soon, but since it is New Year's Day, here are our wishes to you! Nothing needs to be said about the first picture, but I laugh everytime I see it. The second picture was the fruit left on our counter that somebody (Greg) put in a bowl in a pretty shape and couldn't wait for me to find it the other day. And the last picture was last night. Greg and I had a really nice New Year's Eve dinner at home with cheese fondue for an appetizer, salads with fajita chicken on them, and chocolate fondue for dessert. We played a couple of games (Settlers of Catan and Carcassone) between courses and then watched the crazy (freezing) revelers in Times Square on tv and watched a great fireworks display out our living room windows. Emily stayed up for our appetizer, but went to bed after that.
Greg and I remember every year our first New Year's Eve as parents. Emily was about 10 months old and had had a cold. 10-15 minutes before midnight, she woke up screaming, burning hot, and very unhappy. We got her dosed up with Tylenol and back into bed just in time to welcome in 2007 and watch the fireworks out the window. By the time we were ready for bed, she was up screaming and coughing and completely inconsolable. Finally around 2am we called the doctor's office who was able to advise us on more medication to give her so that we all could sleep a bit until we could take her in to the doctor in the morning. That night was quite a reminder that we had most definitely become parents that year and the job is never over for the night, even on New Year's Eve!
At 12:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
You're right, laughter is in order looking at Greg!! And you'll always reminisce about that first New Year's Eve taking care of a sick baby and feeling helpless to make her feel better. Glad that is not an annual occurrence.
At 4:38 PM,
Grandpa and Grandma said…
What a comical approach to the "New Year". It is good to start the year with some fun. May the good times roll all year long.
It is so nice that you can see a fireworks display from the comfort of your cozy living room.
Looks like Emily enjoys cheese fondue, also.
Chuck and Janet
At 11:00 AM,
Jessica 7 said…
Glad no one was sick this year - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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