We took Emily into New York City on Sunday to see all of the Christmas decorations. Emily knew that we had to take 2 trains (PATH and Subway) and when we came outside again, we would be in the city. We often have the Today Show on tv in the mornings so she has seen the Rockefeller Christmas Tree and we told her that would be the tree we saw. She recognized it and loved looking at all the lights on it. She had a lot of fun watching everyone ice skating. Santa was even out on his skates which was pretty neat for her to see. We walked up 5th Avenue a bit and stopped for a lunch a little off 5th at a nice and quiet restaurant. Then we continued on and took Emily into FAO Schwartz to see all the neat toys. She had a great time looking and playing with things. When we put her back in her stroller it was around 1 or 1:30 and she asked if I would put her down. She wanted to go "down" for a nap! That was our last stop so we headed back on the subway and PATH and made it to our car. She took a great nap when we got home. I guess all the "fresh" NYC air wore her out! It was a great day for going in, the temperartures were in the mid to upper 40's and we were in the hot touristy spots before 12:00 for the most part. Hopefully next year we can take her in again.
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Emily, you, Mommy & Daddy look so small in front of the huge Rockefeller Center christmas tree! Sounds like you had a really wonderful day doing all that you did.
Grandy & Poppy
At 3:37 PM,
Jill said…
Fun fun! Glad you were able to stay warm!
At 9:11 PM,
Grandpa and Grandma said…
Hi Emily,
I wish I could have gone with you to see the 'BIG' tree at Rockefeller Center. I always enjoy watching the special concert on TV, when they light the tree. Did you like seeing Santa skate?
Temperatures of 40 degrees would seem cold to Grandpa and me. We are not used to the cold. It is warmer here inTexas most of the time.
At 9:50 AM,
Jessica 7 said…
That looks fun! Maybe we'll try to take our family next year - it's a big ordeal for us! :)
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