This pregnancy

About the same time, a week or 2 later, with Emily's pregnancy

These pictures were taken on February 1, so I was about 31 weeks pregnant then. Baby is doing good and doing what he is supposed to be doing. I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow (pregnancy is 40 weeks long) so we are within 7 weeks of the end. Since I had a c-section with Emily, my doctors will be giving me another one on my due date if I don't go into labor on my own before that. Emily was 2 weeks early, so this one may be as well, or not! If I go into labor then we will try to deliver naturally if there aren't any complications and baby and I both are doing well.
I'm taking a pre-natal water fitness class one morning a week while Emily is at school and I love that. It is so nice to get in the water and have the weight off of my back. I use Emily's naptime well most days for resting myself, I seem to need that to make it through the day. I don't rest as in not do anything, but try to sit or lay down and read or do things that I can do like that. And I am tired by the time that she goes to bed. So, I am definitely slowing down, but still doing well. The nursery is about ready so we are getting there on most things!
At 10:19 PM,
Jill said…
Looking good! He'll be here before you know it.
At 12:11 PM,
Grandpa and Grandma said…
Happy to hear the water classes are relaxing and helping you feel good.
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Looking really good...
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