Food Glorious Food

Here are some pictures of Emily trying to enjoy her food. She actually doesn't love eating solids, but we seem to be making some progress. She had her first meal of rice cereal on Saturday, September 2. She has since enjoyed oatmeal more than rice cereal and has tried sweet potatoes, avocados, and is trying banana this weekend. I keep thinking she has to enjoy the next food more than the one that she is on, but it hasn't happened yet. Part of the problem is that by the time we can do it most days, she is tired from her day at daycare. They are going to start trying oatmeal with her on Monday and see how that goes since they can do it when she is more alert and happy. Most of the pictures are from her first try of food, but the one without a shirt is when she had avocado. She was so interested in the bib that we had to take it off and then take off most of her onesie so that it stayed clean so that she would pay attention to eating! Silly girl. When she does eat, she barely eats a teaspoon of food. I think she's supposed to be eating more than that.
We have found one thing that she really loves, water! She loves to have her sippy cup of water after she eats. Emily even cries when it's done. We wait until she's had the spoon food to give it to her, otherwise we'd have no chance of getting anything else in her mouth!
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