Happy Birthday Emily!!!
Last Friday was Emily's first birthday! She had a fun day. She went to daycare and they made a pink crown for her with her name on it out of construction paper. Emily wore it a couple of times during the day. Greg and I both left work early and got to daycare in time for snacktime. We brought cupcakes and it was so neat seeing an infants class at snack time. There were 8 kids there and they were all so well behaved. The younger ones sat in their low high chairs and the older ones sat at a little table. The kids all had a drink on their trays and got cheerios and fruit. Then they gave each kid a cupcake. They were so funny. Some dug right in and one little girl just poked it with her finger until a teacher cut it and she picked up the pieces. Emily kept touching the icing and then made a mess of the cupcake itself. None of the kids had any complaints over the cupcakes. After they were done, they took them one by one to the kid sink and helped them wash their hands and faces. We tried to put Emily's crown on, but she hated it. She screamed when it got close to her and even if one of us wore it from across the room. Silly girl.
We all went home and got to open some of Emily's birthday gifts that she'd gotten from us and other family. Emily got a lot of neat things and now has lots of books to read, some new clothes to wear, more bath toys, and a toy vacuum to help us clean the house. Her favorite toy so far seems to be a ride on corn popper. Her eyes just light up when she gets on and we push her and she smiles the whole time. It's continued to be a favorite this week.
At 4:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Looks like you had a good time at daycare celebrating your 1st birthday!
Grandy & Poppy
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