We had a big milestone this weekend. Emily learned how to get herself to the sitting position from laying down. We could tell that she had figured it out on Friday night because she kept doing it when we played with her on the floor after dinner. When we woke up Saturday morning she was so happy in her crib, when I went in to get her she was sitting up! She was so proud of herself! I tried to go run and grab the camera, but she started screaming when I left so those shots didn't come out very good. We left the camera in her room and she did it again when she woke up after her afternoon nap. We'll see if this gets her closer to pulling up to standing.
She is very focused on trying to crawl now. When we sit her down on the floor she'll play for a few minutes and then get herself onto all fours. She isn't going forwards, yet, but can crawl backwards and sit up from crawling.
These pictures are of Emily sitting up in her crib after her afternoon nap yesterday and tonight with her "Fun to be 1" hat on. She doesn't know quite what to think of the hat, but at least doesn't scream when it is on.
Emily has gotten very good at clapping recently and if we say Yay, she'll clap her hands together. She also knows where her head is and loves to show you. You can ask her where her head is and she'll grab it. She also loves to grab it while eating dinner which can make for a messy head!
At 11:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yea, Emily! You go girl!!
Grandy & Poppy
At 6:12 AM,
Larissa said…
What an exciting milestone!
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