This is a big week in Emily's life. It is Inside Out Week. We will not be turning Emily inside out, but this marks a very important time for Emily. After this week, she has been alive for longer than she was in my tummy while I was pregnant with her. Emily has been alive for about 38 weeks and I had when I was 38 weeks, 1 day pregnant. The pregnancy went so quickly and it seems like Emily has been around and a part of our lives for such a long time that looking at the lengths of her time inside and out is pretty interesting. And, in case anyone is curious, I have not been counting 38 weeks, I get an email from the hospital that has a lot of developmental information in it. It also says how many weeks old Emily is. Yesterday I got the 38 week one. And of course it talks about how to look out for your moving baby. Nope, not ours. She stays in place. No interest at all in moving. She kicks her legs when she's on her tummy, but that's it. No effort at pulling up or anything. We're pretty grateful that she isn't moving because the gates that we ordered haven't been delivered yet and once they come we still need to get them installed. Right now, she can still play on the floor while I take care of little things and I know she'll still be in the same place! :)
We were able to catch a lot of smiles on Emily in the last couple of weeks. This morning (blue outfit) I took a couple of pictures of her and when I said her name to get her attention, she turned, saw the camera and smiled! She didn't smile if the camera wasn't pointing at her. I'm sure it was a fluke, but I think she's a pretty smart little cookie!
The first 2 pictures were taken tonight after Emily's bath when she was in her jammies. She decided that she wanted her new teething ring that was on her high chair tray. She loves to hold things, but her hands were already full with the 2 blocks she was holding. Never fear, she has figured out that she can act like a dog and get things with her mouth. It was hilarious to watch. She also did that when we put Cheerios down when her hands are full. She loves carrying things around. When Greg drops her off at daycare, she carries a block in with her. This morning while she was carrying it, she put it in her mouth, waved it around with her hand, and then tried to put it in Greg's mouth! She knows how much she enjoys chewing and teething on it so she wanted to share with Daddy! He leaves it in her diaper bag at school and I give it to her when I pick her up. If not, she tries to pull my necklace off. The block is crucial for the well being of my jewelry!
We are still waiting on more teeth in Emily's mouth. She is teething pretty hard and was pretty miserable at 4 am last night. It had been a long time since we'd had to get up with her during the night. We want to keep sleeping, so hopefully those top teeth come in soon!
We have a Parent's Breakfast in the Infant Rooms at daycare tomorrow morning. I arranged for another teacher to cover my class so that I can come to school a bit late. Emily wouldn't know the difference, but I do. We're taking the camera, but they told us when she started that they prefer for parent's not to take pictures except on the child's birthday. Maybe Parent's Breakfast is an exception?
Enjoy all of the pictures of Miss Smiley, she's showing off since she knows it's a special week for her!