First Daycare Cold

It took all of 2 or 3 days for Emily to catch her first daycare cold! It's mostly a cough with a few sniffles. She doesn't seem to be too bothered by it. Greg is bothered more because he caught it from her. What can we say, she seems to like to share!
We had a relatively quiet weekend at home. It rained a bit which was much needed for our lawn and it gave us the chance to get some things done around the house. As you can see in the pictures, Emily enjoyed reading some stories with Daddy and had a bath. As you can tell, Emily looked like she was ready to take a nap after bathtime. Emily also needed to catch up on sleep in a big way. She is so nosy, that she barely naps at daycare. Maybe 45 minutes, but not much more. At home, she takes 2 naps, each 1.5-2 hours on most days. Hopefully she gets used to all of the action there and her new surroundings. The lack of sleep seems to have started to affect her at night, she has started waking up several times at night. She just sits in her crib and talks for awhile. Fortunately, we don't have to get up with her, but we hear her so we are up, too. She has been sleeping 11-12 hours a night since 3.5 months, so I hate to go back now.
Yesterday and today she is at daycare for half a day, but tomorrow will be her first longer day. I have training for my new school district on Wednesday and Thursday. Emily has really adjusted well to school, her teachers comment on how good she is and she seems to finally have started showing a bit more of her talkative side. We are also working at figuring out how much Emily needs in her bottles at daycare and how often she needs them. She's not going hungry, that's for sure.