Saturday, October 28, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Go Cards! And other fun

Emily is quite the Cardinals fan! She has daddy's hat and a little puppet to prove it. Emily wore her Cardinals onesie to daycare one day last week during the series with the Mets and got some complements from some of her teachers, especially from the Yankees fan! It's pretty cool here this week and the onesie is short sleeves, but hopefully she can wear it during the world series.
We went to visit Scott and Adrianne over the weekend and really enjoyed seeing the show that Adrianne curated. She did a great job and its always so nice to visit them. Emily did a great job traveling and spending the night and naps away from home. We might have paid for her ease of travel with a less than stellar nap day at daycare. She has been doing so well sleeping at daycare, so hopefully it was just a one day thing.
I never got a chance to post about our trip to the pumpkin patch and apple picking. We had fun and have been enjoying the apples. Greg has made us a couple of tasty desserts. Tonight it is caramel apple pie. Yummy! I need to make Emily some more applesauce with our fresh picked apples.
Emily learned a new thing this past week. She learned how to wave! It is really cute. She waves to daddy the most. I don't know that she really knows what it means, but if Greg waves at her, she'll often wave back.
Emily is also 8 months old today! We need to take her picture with Cleo, but that may be tomorrow night since she's in bed now.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Yummy Feet

Feet are good! As we got Emily ready for bed tonight she decided to play with her feet and have a taste of her toes! They must have been yummy because she kept at it long enough for Greg to get the camera. Except, nosy girl that she is, she kept stopping to see what Greg was doing with the camera. We were finally able to get a few pictures. Looks too cute to me!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Early Fall Pictures

When we got home today, Emily and I ran into a neighbor that was by our house with her kids. She ended up taking Emily on a walk to her house where they were raking leaves while I changed and then came over to meet them. Emily and the neighbor and her kids loved it! Emily laughed and laughed at the girls jumping in the leaves. Then, she really enjoyed sitting in the grass and posing for some fall pictures! This is probably the first time that Emily has actually sat and felt grass. She kept grabbing a leaf and trying to stick it in her mouth and then I would take it away. She finally got smart and grabbed a handful of leaves. When I took those away, she figured out how to pull out some grass and hold a bunch of blades of grass. She's not a horse or a cow so she can't eat grass either. Fortunately, her plastic links did the trick for something to chew on. We don't have many leaves down in our yard yet, but some of our neighbors trees have started dropping. Our leaves seem to be among the last on the street to fall.
Emily has started wearing her cotton jacket with a hood and she looks adorable in it! The last 2 pictures were taken in the morning before leaving for day care. She wore that jacket the past 2 days and each day Emily's primary teacher commented about how cute it is. They took Emily and some other babies out for a walk in the strollers so they put it on then. They have several triplet strollers that they take the babies for walks in around the yard or the building. Today at school, Emily read a bunch of books with her teachers. They said that she really enjoyed feeling the fur in the Bear Hug book. Emily loves to touch everything so I'm sure she enjoyed reaching out and feeling everything. Today was also the first day that Emily had lunch at daycare. She's been having breakfast there (in addition to her bottles), but today we introduced lunch. Now she has fruit and oatmeal for breakfast and veggies for lunch. Then she had peas and banana for dinner at home. You can tell we live a pretty exciting life when Emily's meals are such a hot topic!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Emily's Weekend

Here are some pictures of Emily from the weekend. She loved being dressed in her "B is for Bunny" outfit, but found the little pom poms too irresistable for her little mouth. We kept distracting her with toys to put in her mouth instead of her shirt all day, it was pretty funny.
She is such a good eater now! She has eaten (and enjoyed!) sweet potatoes, peas, avocado, carrots, apples, pears, and banana as well as oatmeal and rice cereal. I've made all of the fruits and veggies for her except carrots and they've come out really well. They are super easy to make and I love knowing exactly what is going in her mouth. She eats the jarred food at daycare because they provide it. I think green beans and peaches are the next ones on our list to try. And then we need to start some meat, too. Yesterday we got her some of the Gerber Puffs. They are like Cheerios, but dissolve pretty quick when they get wet. Perfect for learning how to eat finger foods. They are sweet potato flavored and Emily loves them! She is working on picking them up and putting them in her mouth. They are pretty tough to get in her hand and even tougher to get into her mouth. She has gotten one in herself, but we've fed her a few. When it is in, she seems to know that she has to chew it. I guess we'll move on to cheerios before long. She gets so determined to pick them up, she chases them around the tray with her hand. Then she'll pick it up and forget it's in her hand and it'll land on the floor or in her lap. It's really funny, but she is so determined!
We're hoping to take Emily to a pumpkin patch and get some cute fall pictures this weekend! I bought a book on baby sign language and I'm hoping to teach Emily a few signs so she can let us know what she wants. I'll keep everyone posted on our progress, if any!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Tooth Number 2!
Tooth number 2 is making it's way in! Both teeth are on the bottom and the first was the one on Emily's left, the second is the one to the right of it. I think it is just barely through the skin. I guess she'll be able to look like a cute jack-o-lantern come Halloween!
She also had a great day at daycare. In keeping with the cute things they do with the babies, they read a book on animal sounds and big and little things. Emily apparently really liked the animal sounds! On her report, they also wrote down that Emily had a long conversation with Christopher, another boy in her room. I can only imagine how that conversation went! She obviously had a busy morning, she slept 3 hours and 20 minutes at daycare in the afternoon. That is an all time record for her at school!
She also had a great day at daycare. In keeping with the cute things they do with the babies, they read a book on animal sounds and big and little things. Emily apparently really liked the animal sounds! On her report, they also wrote down that Emily had a long conversation with Christopher, another boy in her room. I can only imagine how that conversation went! She obviously had a busy morning, she slept 3 hours and 20 minutes at daycare in the afternoon. That is an all time record for her at school!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Day Care Happenings

Here are a few recent pictures of Emily that were taken before Grandy and Poppy's visit.
Emily has been doing great at day care. Each day she gets a report on when she slept, ate, had her diaper changed as well as a little narrative on her day. Most days it is something like what she played with, what other kids were playing near her, and so on. Yesterday, her report said that they taped bubble wrap onto the floor and let the babies play on it to have a different sensory experience. They even gave Emily tummy time on it so she could really feel the bubbles. Of course, when I commented on how cute it was to her teacher, she laughed and said that Emily even put her cheek on it so she could really feel it. I asked if she also had her thumb in her mouth and of course she did! My daughter, when given the chance to do something neat, sticks her thumb in her mouth and puts her head down! Typical! She loves that thumb of hers!
Today, her report said that they took Emily outside and Emily started talking up a storm. Then they commented on Emily's large vocabulary and how she kept "saying" more when the teachers copied her and talked to her! Emily loves to talk and can go on and on. From what we've picked up from her teachers, she is one talkative girl! Her teacher also commented today on what a good, easy going baby Emily is. She only cries when she needs something and when she does, they stop what they're doing since it doesn't happen often. They said they can put her down and she'll play on her own, when they feed her, she eats. She is just a joy to have in the classroom. The only thing she doesn't do is sleep well there, but we're still working on that!
Grandy and Poppy's Visit

Here are some pictures of Emily with Grandy and Poppy. We had a really nice visit with them even though Emily was sick and getting over her little illness. She loved having the extra attention and she got a 4 day weekend from day care from it! Greg and I took advantage of the in house babysitters to get out for a bike ride together.
We also tried to take Emily to the Picture People at the mall to get her picture taken. Now that she is sitting up so well on her own, I wanted some new pictures of her. Emily did not like it there at all. I don't know if it was the bright lights or she was already a little tired or what, but we couldn't get our usually smiley girl to grin at all. We're going to have to try again another day. The photographer did get some pretty cute shots, they just weren't of her sweet grin.
It's too bad that none of our relatives live any closer, Emily really seems to enjoy the visits from everyone, they just aren't frequent enough!
New Teeth and Sick Girl
Emily picked up her first real sickness from daycare last week. They called Greg on Thursday when she had a fever of 101. Tylenol helped her out and fortunately Grandy and Poppy happened to be coming in town that afternoon so they were able to stay home with her on Friday. Friday night she screamed and screamed when going to bed and even woke up crying during the night. We took her to the pediatrician in the morning, but she is fine. We love our pediatrician's office. I called at 9:10 on a Saturday and our doctor was able to see us at 9:50. How's that for timeliness?!?
Thursday we also noticed that her first tooth is making it's way in. It was just barely poking out, but now you can see the whole top of it poking through. She's getting so big!
Thursday we also noticed that her first tooth is making it's way in. It was just barely poking out, but now you can see the whole top of it poking through. She's getting so big!