Tuesday in Boston
We had a great Tuesday in Boston. Emily and I met Greg at the Children's Museum after Emiloy had napped and Greg had attended some talks at his conference. She had fun in the playscape which was for kids under 3, but the rest of the museum was a bit too big for her, she couldn't reach things! After that, we all had lunch and Greg went back to his conference and Emily and I went back to the hotel for an afternoon nap.
After Emily's nap, we met up with Chris, Danielle, and Oliver. Emily and Oliver are one month to the day apart and were so adorable together. Emily got her first kiss from Oliver and the shared some cheerios and goldfish together. And they played really well together. It was the first time that I've seen Emily doing a little more than just parallel play. They also enjoyed looking out the hotel window at the trucks and buses below.
It was really neat seeing Oliver, but also interesting to see the differences between boys and girls at this age. Emily is very into her hat and shoes. Since it was cooler, she loved having her sweater. She likes her accessories! Oliver, couldn't care less about a hat. He was really interested in the trucks and buses, which Emily doesn't give a second glance to.
We had a great visit with Chris and Danielle and loved meeting Oliver. We're hoping that we'll be able to see them again sometime soon!